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You Can Type It

Are You New to Design? 

Are you new to design? Curious about type? Well, this site is designed for you.


This project teaches new designers about the importance of type through an interactive website.

Crossing Sign
Logo Tag

Type is Everywhere

Type is often overlooked but if we look hard enough, type is on street signs, delivery trucks, menus, packages, clothing, and decorative items.

Food Truck
Price List
Music Magazine

What's Next?

Type can create a feeling. When you click "Continue," you'll be able to see a variety of fonts. Each font will have its own individual page with a different design. There will be a hover feature that show you the differences between the most notable typefaces, sans serif and serif. The hover feature not only shows the differences between sans serif and serif, but how typefaces can either go against each other or together.

Fonts Used for this Page

Courier New

Proxima Nova

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