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Sans Serif Fonts

List of Fonts Used for this Page: 



Libre Baskerville


Optimus Princeps

What Where and Why?


Sans Serif gets its name because of the lack of "serifs" which are the "feet" in serif fonts. They are much more minimalistic.

(Hover off to see Verdana)

Sans Serif gets its name because of the lack of "serifs" which are the "feet" in serif fonts. They are much more minimalistic.

(Hover over to see Libre Baskerville)


Sans serif fonts are considered more modern. They look more clean for tech brands, websites, and even real life signs due to their easier legibility.

(Hover off to see Verdana)

Sans serif fonts are considered more modern. They look more clean for tech brands, websites, and even real life signs due to their easier legibility.

(Hover over to see Bodoni)


Sans serif fonts come in many different shapes and sizes. They can give off a clean, minimalistic, and modern feel. 

(Hover off to see Verdana)

Sans serif fonts come in many different shapes and sizes. They can give off a clean, minimalistic, and modern feel. 

(Hover over to see Optimus Princeps)

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